York raises volume at 4 demands demo

Amongst the crowd of thousands, York People’s Assembly were represented by a full coach – and a mobile sound system. Along with friends in Scarborough and Thirsk, we headed to London for the Health, Homes, Jobs and Education march. Estimates on total numbers vary wildly from 50 to 150 thousand. Whilst the rally took place in 18Trafalgar Square, hundreds of protesters made their way to Downing Street. Continue reading

400 Academies postcards handed in

11114359_479549528878106_1452853207163305406_o400 postcards signed by parents and supporters calling for a ballot on Academy Status were handed in to the council today. The impressive delivery was made possible by hours of hard work from parents campaigning to keep Millthorpe, Scarcroft and Knavesmire public and accountable. Whilst a ballot doesn’t automatically mean a ‘No’ vote, it would be a massive opportunity to show that the case simply hasn’t been made.

Big Week for Anti-Academies Campaign

academiesThe campaign to keep Scarcroft, Knavesmire and Millthorpe schools local and accountable steps up a gear this week. Parents and staff from the 3 schools are being given flashy presentations on the so-called benefits of removing the schools from the LEA’s funding safety net. Meanwhile, York People’s Assembly are promoting a petition to Stop Academies in York and encouraging members of the community to get along and support them 2 events.

First up, they’ll be handing in postcards calling on the Council to hold a binding ballot of parents at West Offices just after 5.20pm on Tuesday (19th). Next up is a Community Picnic on Scarcroft Green, from 3.30pm on Friday (22nd). The idea is to gather people from across the community for a fun afternoon with a serious message about the schools’ futures, and members of the public have been invited to bring support.

Students launch the fightback

Around 60 students took part in a today’s march from campus to town, followed by a short rally. As the march entered town, members of the public joined in and the volume rose. Taking part were several disabled students with fears about welfare cutbacks. In other news, tonight’s York People’s Assembly meeting has had to be moved to a bigger venue, and we’re about to book a second coach for the June 20th “No More Austerity” march in London – get tickets here.

Union members threatened by Vice Chancellor

UCU union members at the University of York are being threatened with 100% pay reduction for a national marking boycott. In the past, similar actions have been met with small reduction in pay as staff continue the rest of their duties. This escalation is a clear sign that Vice Chancellors want to break the unions on their campuses, making it easier to bully and pressurise staff into working longer hours for less pay. Fellow UCU members in Leeds have launched a public letter and online petition calling for an end to such a vindictive tactic by management in York. Anyone can sign, and York People’s Assembly is urging people to do so.

Victory for Castlegate protest!

IMG_20141031_164329Around 40 people assembled to protest outside West Offices last night, ahead of a crucial council committee vote on the fate of the Castlegate Centre. The protest was covered by York Press, appearing as the main story on the home page. The decision will now go back to the council’s Cabinet, who must decide how to change course. It’s rare to hold a protest and get a victory so soon afterwards, and everyone involved deserves to celebrate. Let’s hope its the first of many! Continue reading

Unions set for strike march in York

York People’s Assembly are working with UNISON City of York branch to build a lunchtime march and rally on Tuesday 14th October in support of their strike action. Everyone is invited to assemble at the West Front of York Minster from 12noon, with a rally following the march starting at 1pm by Constantine’s Statue, round the corner in Minster Yard.

Unions across the public sector are due to take part in strike action on 13th, 14th and 15th October. Healthworkers will lead the way on Monday 13th, with Council and College staff on strike on Tuesday 14th. Finally, civil servants will take action on Wednesday 15th. We’ll be standing on picket lines with all of them. Its all part of a week of action culminating in the “Britain Needs A Pay Rise” demonstration on Saturday 18th October. Coach tickets from York are available here.

College rally backs tutor suspended for standing up

john_westmorelandJohn Westmoreland, York College history tutor and UCU branch chair, has been suspended in what can only be seen as an attack on unions. A rally at the college saw dozens of staff and students, past and present give him their support. The York Press have covered the story. Group member Chris used his speech to invite John to address our strike-day rally on July 10th, and John accepted. We need to show the college that John has wide support. Over 800 have signed this petition already – please sign it too! Continue reading

Strike day march announcement

Respect for Education and Teachers - Strike 10th JulyCouncil and school staff are set to take strike action on Thursday July 10th against the government’s derisory pay offer. We want to create an opportunity for those on strike and those who benefit from the work they do to stand together. We’ve notified the police and council that we intend to hold a march and rally on the day of the strike. Subject to confirmation, we’ll assemble at Clifford’s Tower from noon and leading into a rally in St Sampson’s Square from 1 to 2pm. UNISON and the NUT are mobilising their members to take part, and will be sending speakers. We’re reaching out to other unions and we hope you’ll join us in joining with them!